Estimate your solar power generation and calculate potential savings on your electricity bill.

Maximize your energy savings by estimating your solar power generation with VNB Solar. Our advanced calculations help you understand potential reductions in your electricity bills. By switching to solar, you can achieve long-term financial benefits and energy independence. Analyze your consumption, optimize system performance, and make an informed investment. Start your journey towards a cost-effective and sustainable future today.

VNB Solar

GRID TIE Rooftop Solutions

GRID Tie System
If you have a roof of area 100-200 sq. ft. If you have a roof of area 200~300 sq. ft. If you have a roof of area 300~500 sq. ft. If you have a roof of area 500~700 sq. ft. If you have a roof of area 700~1000 sq. ft. If you have a roof of area 1000~1200 sq. ft.
1 kVA Grid Tie Solar Inverter (Single Phase)
2 kVA Grid Tie Solar Inverter (Single Phase)
3 kVA Grid Tie Solar Inverter (Single / three Phase)
5 kVA Grid Tie Solar Inverter (Single / three Phase)
8 kVA Grid Tie Solar Inverter (Three Phase)
10 kVA Grid Tie Solar Inverter (Three Phase)
4 nos Modules of 320WP each
7 nos Modules of 320WP each
10 nos Modules of 320WP each
16 nos Modules of 320WP each
24 nos Modules of 320WP each
32 nos Modules of 320WP each
Cables & Other Accessories
Cables & Other Accessories
Cables & Other Accessories
Cables & Other Accessories
Cables & Other Accessories
Cables & Other Accessories
You generate 1,400 units annually
You generate 2,800 units annually
You generate 4,200 units annually
You generate 7000 units annually
You generate 8,400 units annually
You generate 14,000 units annually
Off-grid system
If you have a roof of area 100-200 Sq. Ft. If you have a roof of area 200~300 sq. ft. If you have a roof of area 300~500 sq. ft. If you have a roof of area 500~700 sq. ft.
2 kVA PCU (Single Phase)
3.75 kVA PCU (Single Phase)
6.25 kVA PCU (Single Phase)
7.5 kVA PCU (Single Phase)
4 nos Modules of 320Wp each
6 nos Modules of 320Wp each
12 nos Modules of 320Wp each
16 nos Modules of 320Wp each
2 nos Batteries of 12V / 150Ah each
4 nos Batteries of 12V / 150Ah each
8 nos Batteries of 12V / 150Ah each
10 nos Batteries of 12V / 150Ah each
Cables & Other Accessories
Cables & Other Accessories
Cables & Other Accessories
Cables & Other Accessories
You generate 1,400 units annually
You generate 2,600 units annually
You generate 5,000 units annually
You generate 7,000 units annually

Call Today
+91 8333 01 8333

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